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currently evaluating GenAI experiences for Adobe Document Cloud

akash seth.




project neo.

Streamlining the interop workflow between project neo and adobe Illustrator

illustrator web.

discovering opportunity areas to unlock traffic sources and improve product engagement.

adobe express.

exploring growth areas in emerging markets and identifying unmet needs of indian creators.

Adobe Express Thumbnail.png
PsX Thumbnail.png

photoshop express.

driving research initiatives to uncover the photo-editing needs to Gen Z audiences on mobile.

radar X:
biohazard solution

circular service that aims to make waste disposal more efficient and economic by building a decentralised network.

Frame 2.png
Atemo Cover 2.gif

assistance for aspergers'

assistive device for people with aspergers' that translates emotions into haptic feedback.

chasing the rabbit

the culmination of experimentation. exploration and journey through the graffiti and street art culture of Delhi.

Student Service Design Challenge 2021

Student Service Design Challenge 2021

The Student Service Design Challenge initiated by Philips and the Service Design College is an international student competition providing students with a hands-on learning opportunity with the mission to involve young talent and seek their active participation to solve and follow through with the social and responsible innovations needed in our current transformational era by defining and designing service solutions that address a specific but universal problem. This year’s challenge was all about ‘designing backwards to move forward’, encouraging the next generation of designers to use their creative power to design an engaging closing-the-loop service that contributes value to people, the planet, and the public and that engage everyday users and facilitate the introduction of circular design into existing industrial processes. After 5 months of working from proposals to final service solutions, the winners of the Student Service Design Challenge 2021 will be announced. Out of over 70 global student teams from 22 universities worldwide, a renowned jury will reveal the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awarded concepts. The winners announcement ceremony will take place live from Roca Barcelona Gallery in Barcelona. Join the online ceremony, live on June 11th. 17:00 h – 17:10 h Inge Keizer, Founder Service Design College, and Isabel Roig, Executive Director Barcelona Design Centre, will welcome the global audience. 17:10 h – 17:30 h The ceremony will open with a keynote from Chris Grantham, Executive Director of Circular Economy at IDEO, sharing his vision on the power of human-centred design in designing for the circular economy. 17:30 h – 18:30 h After the keynote, Chris will be joined by the international members of the jury to discuss how designing for sustainability and circularity should be every designer’s duty. Robert Metzke, Chief of Staff Innovation & Strategy and Head of Sustainability at Philips, will announce the winners of this year’s edition and will host a discussion with the winning students. This event is organised by the Service Design College and Philips, together with IBM, Barcelona centre de Dissseny and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, as part of the Barcelona Design Week ’21 Pro. More information:

freelance & features.

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