currently evaluating GenAI experiences for Adobe Document Cloud
akash seth.
october'22 - present
experience researcher
supporting research and strategy for products across the Adobe Suite.
may'21 - october'22
ux researcher I
worked on setting up the research operations and advocating user dialogues.
november'21 - june'22
identified chokepoints across the supply chain of medical consumables to propose business solutions.
Streamlining the interop workflow between project neo and adobe Illustrator
discovering opportunity areas to unlock traffic sources and improve product engagement.
exploring growth areas in emerging markets and identifying unmet needs of indian creators.
driving research initiatives to uncover the photo-editing needs to Gen Z audiences on mobile.
circular service that aims to make waste disposal more efficient and economic by building a decentralised network.
assistive device for people with aspergers' that translates emotions into haptic feedback.
the culmination of experimentation. exploration and journey through the graffiti and street art culture of Delhi.